Thailand ...ein Daueraufenthalt

GEBA WSM ASW with programmable Slice Angle Adjustment

by Kun Pho

Posted on Freitag Februar 04, 2022 at 12:31vorm. in Technik Regeln und Steuern

 Software for the GEBA WSM ASW

This Salmon Slicer is able be set up to most individuel Sliceing Angle Programms.
You can store your programm data to your Laptop and setup the Machine to a charge with a typical programm for this fish. You will do this simply remote from your office.

This Software is developed by Niweau Thailand. It's made especially for the critical zones of the fish: the head and the tail. By programmable adjusting of the sliceing angle you will get suitable slices from the whole fish.

The software requiers the controll unit (PLC) B&R 474 - System2003,

PLC B&R 474 System2003

include the Modul IF321 (RS422/RS485) and a suitable cableing from your office to the machine.

Modul IF321

The configured Converter and plug for the machine is part of the Programming System. The Programming Software will run on a Java Runtime 1.6-32bit or higher and 1.8-64bit or higher. This means, if your office equipment supports one of this runtimes, it works undependend of your operating system. The hardware requirement ist only a RS232-Connector. 

Converter RS422/485 to RS232

The Software Package comes with different Language sets:





On demand we can deliver other languages.

Basic Parameter Setup

Send mask with Protocol output

The software package includes more then 70 example programms for standard fish types. We offer installation and training.